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Dental surgery

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Beauty treatments

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High quality dentistry, prosthetics, and surgery from one place!

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Aesthetic treatment and prosthetics

Prosthetics are necessary in cases which there are some teeth missing or have vastly decayed.

Vastly decayed teeth can be restored:

  • With laboratory-made filling also known as inlay if there are enough natural tooth tissue remained, you can choose between full-ceramic and metal alloy materials;
  • For the crown, which is also made in a laboratory, you can choose full-ceramic, zirconium or metal ceramic material; with spur attached in the tooth root also known as pin stump inlay secured crown in cases where only a root is remained, the spur offers strength and durability for the crown.

Tooth crowns

Installing tooth crows can successfully correct bite height, teeth position, as well as colour. Also it can be necessary to put a crown or an inlay on a tooth after root treatment to ensure durability under chawing power. To replace missing tooth a bridge can be used, which is resting on neighbouring teeth and is non-removable. In case an implant is medically contraindicated (for example not having enough bone capacity) or financial means are not available, removable prosthesis can be made: partial prosthesis, plastic (acrylic) based and prosthesis with teeth. Usually these are used as a temporary solution in between extensive prosthetics works. Metal clamps are used to improve stability if necessary;

Total prosthesis, plastic made prosthesis replacing all teeth; Supporting bugel prosthesis, removable prosthesis made based on metal construction and original teeth. Smaller and more comfortable than partial prosthesis.

Getting used to removable prosthesis

1. After the installment wearing the prosthesis can be uncomfortable at the beginning. First two weeks after the prosthesis is made are the hardest and your mouth has to get used to the situation. It is recommended to drink lots of wark beverages so that the mouth adjust better to the new object. You should also practice eating and diction

2. You can leave the prosthesis in your mouth for the night, but you also have to give prosthesis free time to let mucosa rest. If the prosthesis is not in the mouth you should keep in a moist environment. There are special prosthesis boxes for that. Otherwise the prosthesis material will dry, weaken and can change shape. You can also keep your prosthesis in a moist napkin.

3. Prosthesis needs to be cleaned twice a day. They have to be washed under flowing water with special products that help to disinfect. If necessary a special soft brush can be used. You should be especially careful with the prosthesis clamps area. You can buy care products from our clinic or from pharmacies.

4. During the first days after the prosthesis installment you should only eat soft foods. Prosthesis can chafe the mucosa in some places in which case you should put, for example calendula oil, on the irritated area. Your dentist will cal you in for a check up in couple of weeks to check your hygene and how have you been getting used to the prosthesis.

5. The removable prosthesis should be shown to your dentist once or twice a year. Oral anatomy is constantly changing and prosthesis might need to be corrected.


Full-ceramic laminates are used for aesthetical prosthetics, they can fix the colour and shape of one single tooth as well the whole teeth row. In case a tooth has undergone root treatment, it is rather recommended to use full-ceramic crown, because it ensure better support for the tooth.

Laminates are like thin tiles which are cemented with special cement on the lip-side of the front teeth. In orded to do that your own teeth need to be abraded a bit. First, a wax-up will be made in a laboratory for fiding optimal tooth figure and to check bite. Temporary laminates can be made based on the wax-up is the patient desires some time to get used to the final result. Colour will be chosen in coordination with the patient and tooth technician.



Use cases

Care for dentures Detection of cavities Dry mouth During orthodontic treatment For smokers, coffee and wine drinkers General oral health Gum care Implant care Mucous membrane diseases; mouth ulcers Products for children over 7 years old Products for children under 7 years old Products with xylitol Taste experiences Teeth remineralization Teeth sensitivity Teeth whitening When traveling